Monday, June 16, 2008


Talking to Mike....

makes me miss him terribly.

I am a sucker for words.

"I gave her a beautiful bouquet of,
and she managed to take each word
and carefully,
throw every word back down my throat
until i was convicted
of putting words in my own mouth.

love her

i painted her name amongst the stars
in the most beautiful calligraphy.
held her hand when she fell,
and let her go when I stumbled.
and carefully,
she ignored my enigmatic portrait,
and kept her hands too busy for me,
free of tax.

love her

i read psalms to her palms,
breathing in every smile she evoked
singing her heart into a love blessed slumber
and carefully,
she sang along with her headphones
while i read to her,
and read 'i love you' notes from other brothers,
to ignore my melodic singing,
pretending to sleep, until i left her.

love her

but now i've left.
i've packed my bags
and headed down an unfamiliar road
that hasn't greeted me so openly
for quite some time.
i'm hurt, betrayed, lost…
yet excited.

still love her"

his words =/

I hate to love his poetry.

It used to be that everyday was a challenge to avoid the pictures, blogs, and myspaces I was so used to treading on.

I am ok. Been getting on with things.

Moving at my own pace. Which feels good.

Things are looking up. Planning on the big move. =D

I miss my besties.

I havent seen them since I got a car and freedom to roam around at all hours of the night. I miss them super much. I never realized how relationships really pull people. I never realized that I must have missed out on so many things being with him. You know you miss your best friends when the only way to see them is to agree on a double date. LOL no thanks next time =D

Brit's come to be the closest thing to a girl friend since ERICA and BLYTHE.
Girls who don't judge me. Just are there, not to be seen. Just to be foundation when you need it.

I am glad she's there to hear me out. I want to be there for her too.

This Summer has been the best one so far.
I only have my friends to thank for that one. North Town is my second home. Though very far..well worth the drive.

Gas prices are kicking my ass though. I am not up there as much....

hopefully I will be soon.

<333 much love