Thursday, June 26, 2008

I try to hold on to you

I love J.Rawls.

I've been super busy lately. Firework stand. Work. The ex.

I don't even know where to begin. Its truly over whelming.


I met someone. It's not a ....
I met someone...

more like I knew someone...but now I KNOW him. The conversation was just so real.
I am enlightened like never before.

He was full of knowledge. Crazy cool. Confident. Real smooth.

It was...more of a....this cat had his life in order.
It's attractive.....

he got a job
drove a car
independent of himself

He was smart...and he blew me away.

I see him in a whole different light. I wondered why I never talked to him before.


Not jumping into things. Talking to other guys really isn't my steez right now.


I made a new friend.