Sunday, August 17, 2008


Dear Love,

That dances behind the eyes of memory.In the moment of quiet solitude could we think the strings that once bound words of lovers become thin threads of what once was a deeper connection. The joined hearts of two, the separation, the journey to move on, and the strength to embrace what was once lost. So here in this backseat, here in these headphones, staring out through blank eyes are you....who once looked at me....with adoring you are saved so dearly in the back of my head along with the memories that are as carefully selected as a file in a filing cabinet. So slowly it creeps...a smile across my face.

Happy to smile at what we once had. Smile at what I have. As it fades a fond memory to look back upon, and a friendship to hold on tightly to.

and like that

this letter and many letters are never sent.


joooooee said...

youre so deep T_T