Thursday, May 29, 2008


I love this site, and I fuckin miss NY. I can't wait to dip outta here. Can't wait for LA, and I can't wait to get my tattoo.

Up and coming.

I was looking up music in NY. Checkin the scene I stumbled upon Children of The Night. They're based in NY...although there is a shit load of Children of The Night's...this one kinda stuck. They reminded me of my homeboys in NY.The song CONTACT HIGH. Ha I miss them. I don't miss hotboxin in the car but I do miss them.

I think I've had "spaz" by NERD on replay all day. The Let Go ft Louis Logic did a song called Party Crashers.


I fuckin miss you JOE. pay your bills and let's kick it.

I am super hyped for the weekend. Cause I get to kick it with the AnF staff crew and pick up my hundreds hat once n for all. Rock the living shit outta it.

Aside from that

Life is real good.